DateScriptureSermon (right click on link to download
18/05/2008Matthew 11 1-24Opportunity brings accountability
John Tan
13/07/2008Matthew 12 38-50Faith or Signs
John Tan
10/08/2008Matthew 1 12-50Who Really is Jesus
John Tan
17/08/2008Matthew 14 13-21The best fed and the best loved
John Tan
24/08/2008Psalm 1 1-21Action plan for way finders
Victor Flaming
07/09/2008Matthew 15 1-20Danger blind guides
John Tan
13/09/2008 -Session 1
Mark Balmer
13/09/2008 -Session 2
Mark Balmer
13/09/2008 -Session 3
Mark Balmer
13/09/2008 -Sunday Message
Mark Balmer
02/11/2008Matthew 16 13-30Church without walls 2
John Tan
09/11/2008Matthew 16 21-283 demands of a disciple of Jesus
John Tan
16/11/2008Psalms 49 - Action Plan for Understanding
Victor Flaming
23/11/2008Matthew 17 1-13Encouragement on the mountain top
John Tan
30/11/2008Matthew 17 14-21Faith in the valley
John Tan
07/12/2008Matthew 17 22-27Faith in action
John Tan
14/12/2008Matthew 18 1-14Change is required
John Tan
21/12/2008Psalm 110 -Action plan for looking for the Messiah
Victor Flaming
28/12/2008Matthew 18 15-20Honest Relationship and Conflict Resolutions
John Tan
04/01/2009Matthew 18 21-35The Power of Forgiveness
John Tan
11/01/2009Matthew 19 1-15God cares for your marriage
John Tan
18/01/2009Matthew 19 1-15God cares for your marriage pt2
John Tan
25/01/2009Matthew 19 1-15God cares for your marriage pt3
John Tan
01/02/2009Matthew 19 16-22Get Right to the Point
John Tan
15/02/2009Matthew 19 23-30Rewards for the Followers of Christ
John Tan
22/02/2009Philippians 1 12-21Discovering the best from the worst
Dr Mah
01/03/2009Matthew 20 1-16God is just, generous and faithful
John Tan
08/03/2009Matthew 20 17-28To serve or to be served
John Tan
15/03/2009Haggai - Consider your ways
Victor Flaming
22/03/2009Matthew 20 29-34Lord we want to see
John Tan
29/03/2009Matthew 21 1-17What does Jesus want from His House
John Tan
05/04/2009Matthew 21 18-22Get real
John Tan
19/04/2009Romans 5 12-21Suffering and Pain in this world
Shane Mack
26/04/2009Matthew 21 23-32Who can enter the Kingodm of God
John Tan
03/05/2009Matthew 21 23-46Gods kindness to man
John Tan
10/05/2009Matthew 22 1-14Go and invite everyone you find
John Tan
24/05/2009Matthew 22 34-40Love simple but not easy
John Tan
31/05/2009John 13 -The New Commandment
Norman Wong
07/06/2009Matthew 22 34-40Love simple but not easy pt2
John Tan
14/06/2009Matthew 22 41-45Loving God is to love the lost
John Tan
21/06/2009Matthew 23 1-13Walk the talk Part 1
John Tan
28/06/2009Matthew 23 1-13Walk the talk Part 2
John Tan
12/07/2009Matthew 23 13-36Threat to the Church from the inside Part 1
John Tan
27/07/2009Matthew 23 13-36Threat to the Church from the inside Part 2
John Tan
02/08/2009Matthew 23 37-39Jerusalem and the heart of God
John Tan
09/08/2009Matthew 24 1-3Are you able to see the future
John Tan
16/08/2009Acts 11 -13The Church that serves
Wilson Lau
30/08/2009Matthew 24 4-14Signs of the end
John Tan
06/09/2009Matthew 24 4-14Signs of the end part 2
John Tan
12/09/2009 -Session 2 Empowered byt the Spirit
Mark Balmer
13/09/2009 -Session 3 Emptied and Filled by the Spirit
Mark Balmer
27/09/2009Matthew 24 15-25Tribulation
John Tan
04/10/2009Matthew -Second coming and Armageddon
John Tan
11/10/2009Galatians 5 -Free to be free
Victor Flaming
18/10/2009 -Millennium and new heaven
John Tan
25/10/2009Matthew 25 1-13The end of the world - so what
John Tan
01/11/2009Matthew 25 14-30Be working for God
John Tan
08/11/2009Mark 10 17-27Parable of the rich young man
Pastor Tan Hwee Yang
15/11/2009Matthew 25 14-30Be working for God pt2
John Tan
22/11/2009Matthew 25 31-46Are you a sheep or a goat
John Tan
29/11/2009Matthew 26 1-464 Dangers ahead of us
John Tan
06/12/2009Matthew 26 47-75Deserted and Forsaken
John Tan
13/12/2009Matthew 27 31-54Come on in
John Tan
20/12/2009Matthew 27 1-31The agony of love
John Tan
27/12/2009Matthew 27 62-28Easter Sunday
John Tan
10/01/2010Acts 1 1-8The promise of the Holy Spirit
John Tan
17/01/2010Acts 1 8-11The person and power of the Holy Spirit
John Tan
24/01/2010Romans 12 -What are you doing here
Edmund Chua
31/01/2010Acts 1 11-26Actively Waiting
John Tan
07/02/2010 -Life extension
Thomas John
14/02/2010Acts 2 1-13Plugged or unplugged
John Tan
21/02/2010Acts 2 14-41What shall we do
John Tan
28/02/2010Acts -Doing church the right way
John Tan
07/03/2010Acts -A healthy church
John Tan
14/03/2010Acts -What is worship
John Tan
20/11/2011Acts -In the Face of Discouragement (Part 2)
John Tan
27/11/2011Acts -Gods Amazing Deliverance
John Tan
04/12/2011Acts -A clear conscience
John Tan
11/12/2011Acts -Later.mp3
John Tan
25/12/2011Matt 2 - The other side of christmas
Mr. Aaron Chan
01/01/2012Nehemiah 6 8- Jehovah, the Great God
John Tan
08/01/2012Acts 25 - Divine Appointments
John Tan
08/01/2012Acts 25 26 -ods 5 step sanctification program
John Tan
22/01/2012Romans 6 1-14Grace leads to righteousness
Rev Dr Gilbert Soo Hoo
29/01/2012Acts 26 -Obeying God's Sanctification Program
John Tan
05/02/2012Acts 27 -Sailing the sea of life
John Tan
19/02/2012Genesis 32 - Wrestling with god
Mr Albert Lee
26/02/2012 Acts 27 27-28Sailing Light
John Tan
04/03/2012Acts 27 -Navigating the Storms of Life (Pt1)
John Tan
11/03/2012Psalm 77 -Seeing in the dark
Aaron Chan
18/03/2012Acts 26 - Navigating the Storms of Life (Pt2)
John Tan
25/03/2012Acts 27 27-44 Live life by taking a risk to obey God
John Tan
01/04/2012Acts 28 -Shake It Off and Just Keep Serving
John Tan
12/05/2012 -Marriage
Mark Balmer
13/05/2012Philippians 4 11-12Content with who God made me
Pastor Mark Balmer
20/05/2012 -Keepers for Christ
Tan Ban Thong
03/06/2012Galatians 1 1-5Gods rescue plan
John Tan
10/06/2012 Galatians 1 6-17The Un-Gospel
John Tan
17/06/2012Acts 9 36-43The Testimony of Coats and Cloths
Pastor Sim Kay Tee
25/06/2012Deuteronomy 8 -The Ten and the Forty
Jacob Prasch
01/07/2012Galatians 1 17-24Desert Training for Kingdom Use
John Tan
15/07/2012Galatians 2 11-16Bondage to Fear or Freedom in Faith
John Tan
22/07/2012Galatians 2 17-Died to Law but Alive for God
John Tan
29/07/2012Galatians 3 1-9Foolish or Wise
John Tan
05/08/2012Galatians 3 -Stop Trying to be Perfect
John Tan
12/08/2012Mark 6 30 -The mission of the chruch
Dr George Capaque
19/08/2012Galatians 3 -God's Unchanging Promise
John Tan
02/09/2012Galatians 4 -Freedom in Christ (Pt 2)
John Tan
09/09/2012Galatians 12 20-Losing Your Joy
John Tan
16/09/20121 Samuel 6 -Do not Touch
Thomas John
23/09/2012Galatians 4 21-22Avoiding a Chaotic Marriage Pt 1
John Tan
07/10/2012Galatians 4 21-5-1But I Do Have Freedom
John Tan
14/10/2012Matthew 18 21-35Why Forgive
Pastor Shane Mack
21/10/2012Galatians 5 1-6Get Free Stay Free and Live Free
John Tan
28/10/2012Galatians 5 7-12Run Free
04/11/2012Galatians 5 13-15Free to serve God and Neighbour
John Tan
11/11/2012 -Gen to Deut Overview of Prophecy from the Torah
Dr Jeffrey Loh
18/11/2012Galatians 5 16-18The War Within
John Tan
25/11/2012 -Christ in the Autumn Festivals
Steven Pacht
02/12/2012 Galatians 5 19-21Stop Look and Listen
John Tan
09/12/2012Galatians 5 19-21Is Sin Serious
John Tan
16/12/2012Galatians 5 -The Fruit Ladder of Life
John Tan
23/12/2012Galatians 5 -The Fruit Ladder of Life Pt 2
John Tan
24/12/2012 -Jesus Begins
John Tan
25/12/2012Matthew 1 21-23Immanuel God with Us
Sim Kay Tee
06/01/2013Galatians 5 22-23The True Mark of Spirituality
John Tan
13/01/20131Peter 2 4-10The Glorious Mission Of Living Stones
Mr Thomas John
20/01/2013Galatians 5 22-23Bear fruits and no more excuses
John Tan
03/02/2013Mark 4 5-1Jesus Calms The Storm
Albert Lee
09/02/2013Luke 23 1-44The King Is Dead, Live Long The King
John Tan
10/02/2013Galatians 5 22-23Spread the Love
John Tan
17/02/2013Galatians 5 22-23Spread the Love Part2
John Tan
24/02/2013Galatians 5 24-26Keep in step with the spirit part 1
John Tan
10/03/2013Galatians 6 1 -Be Gentle to the Broken Bone
John Tan
17/03/2013Galatians 6 2-5Help Lighten the Load
John Tan
24/03/2013Galatians 6 6-8God's Law Reap What You Sow
John Tan
31/03/2013Matthew 16 24-28Dying to Live
Aaron Chan
07/04/2013Galatians 6 9-10Dont Give Up
John Tan
14/04/2013 -Jews for Jesus
Stephen Pacht
21/04/2013Galatians 6 11-18Freedom because of the Cross (Part 1)
John Tan
28/04/2013John 21 -The Recipents and Channels of God's Grace
Rev Khan Hui Neon
05/05/2013Galatians 6 14-16Freedom Because of The Cross (Pt2)
John Tan
12/05/2013John 21 -Love in Action
Mark Balmer
26/05/2013Luke 8 22-25Two Great Questions
Rev Dr Robert MacEwen
02/06/2013Psalm 23 -Father's Love
Mr Christopher Tan
09/06/2013Psalms 133 - Blessedness of Unity
Mr Thomas John
16/06/20131 Thessalonians 2 8-12Portrait of a Father
Dr. Wilson Lau
23/06/2013Revelation 1 1-8A Promised Blessing
John Tan
30/06/2013Revelation 1 9-20A Totally New View
John Tan
07/07/2013Revelation 2 1-7Remember Repent and Repeat
John Tan
14/07/2013John 15 5-16Miracles in the Desert
Chaplain Paul Kim
21/07/2013 Revelation 2 8-11Be Fearless
John Tan
28/07/2013Revelation 2 12-17The Danger of Compromise
John Tan
04/08/2013 Revelation 2 18-29Jezebel in the Church and Home
John Tan
11/08/2013Revelation 3 1-6Spiritual CPR
John Tan
25/08/2013Luke 18 35-19Responding to Jesus
Dr. George Capaque DTC
01/09/2013Revelation 3 14-22Standing Outside the Door
John Tan
08/09/2013Revelation 4 1-2The Missing Millions
John Tan
15/09/2013Revelation 4 1-11God on is Throne
John Tan
22/09/2013Revelation 5 1-7Historys Greatest Real Estate Deal
John Tan
29/09/2013Acts 1 1-11The Reality to Make Disciples of all the Nations
Mr Daniel Sum
06/10/2013Revelation 5 8-14True Worship
John Tan
13/10/2013Revelation 6 1-8The Beginning of The End
John Tan
20/10/2013John 3 16-18God is Love
Dr Moseo Chen
27/10/2013Philippians 4 10-20The Secret to Contentment
Pastor Shane Mack
03/11/2013Revelation 6 9-17No Hiding Place
John Tan
10/11/2013Revelation 7 1-17-44000 Awesome Jewish Evangelists
John Tan
17/11/20131 Corinthians 9 19 -Ambassador for Christ
Stephen Pacht
24/11/2013Revelation 8 1-13The Hush before the Flush
John Tan
01/12/2013Revelation 9 1-12Demons Everywhere
John Tan
08/12/2013Daniel 1 -The Two Cities
Vima Alagu
15/12/2013Revelation 9 13-21Harderned Hearts
John Tan
25/12/2013 -Message of Chrismas
Dr Thomas John
29/12/2013Revelation 11 1 2 -The Coming Temple
John Tan
05/01/20142 Cor 4 16-18 Seeing is Believing
Rev Dr Keith Shubert EAST
12/01/2014Revelation 11 3-19-Can I Get a Witness
John Tan
19/01/2014Revelation 12 1-17The Accuser is a Loser
John Tan
26/01/2014Revelation 13 1-10Total Deception Pt 1
John Tan
02/02/2014Luke 17 1-10Faith in Forgiveness and Place of Servitude
Tan Hwee Yang
16/02/2014Revelation 14 1-12The Last Call
John Tan
02/03/2014Revelation 14 13-20The Last Call Pt 2
John Tan
09/03/2014Revelation 15 1-8Victory Song for the Final Curtains
John Tan
16/03/2014Revelation 16 1-21The Final Bowls
John Tan
23/03/2014Revelation 17 1-18The Destruction of Religious Babylon
John Tan
30/03/2014Psalm 134 -Blessing
Dr. Mah Yeow Beng
06/04/2014Revelation 18 1-24The Destruction of Commercial Babylon
John Tan
13/04/2014Revelation 19 1-10The Wedding Feast of the Lamb
John Tan
18/04/2014John 15 9-16Why The Cross
John Tan
20/04/2014Revelation 19 11-16-he Second Coming of Jesus Christ
John Tan
27/04/2014John 12 2-8For the love of Christ
Rev Khan Hui Neon
04/05/2014Revelation 19 17-21The Final Battle
John Tan
18/05/2014Revelation 20 1-15The Millennium, Christ's Rule On Earth
John Tan
18/05/20142 Corinthians 2 14-17On Being Aroma for Christ
Mr Thomas John
01/06/2014 Psalm 1-Living a life that is Blessed
Mr Matthew Winslow
08/06/2014Revelation 21 1-27The New Jerusalem
John Tan
15/06/2014Revelation 22 1-6The river and the tree
John Tan
29/06/2014Revelation 22 7-21Jesus is coming soon
John Tan
06/07/2014Malachi - How we shall we wait
Mr Elmer Lau
13/07/2014Genesis 12 1-9The Journey of Faith
Rev Dr Samuel Goh
27/07/20141 Timothy 1 1-3Paul's Love for the Local Church
John Tan
03/08/2014Mark 2 1-12Incarnation God
Rev Tan Hwee Yang
09/08/2014Ruth 1 1-5Making Smart But Unwise Decision
Mr Albert Lee
17/08/20141 Timothy 1 3-5Confront Error with Love
John Tan
24/08/20141 Timothy 1 6-11Grounded in Sound Doctrine
John Tan
07/09/20141 Timothy 1 18-20Tough Love in the Church
John Tan
07/09/20141 Timothy 1 18-20Tough Love in the Church.mp3
John Tan
14/09/20141 Timothy 2 1-4Priority #1 - Pray for Everyone
John Tan
21/09/2014 Matthew 19-20Is God Fair
Rev. Dr. Robert Mac Ewen
28/09/20141 Timothy 2 5-7Only One Mediator
John Tan
05/10/20141 Timothy 2 8-15Different Roles in the Church
John Tan
19/10/2014Ephesians 5 15-20Walk Wisely
Pastor Shane Mack
26/10/20141 Timothy 3 8-16The Church The Foundation of The Truth
John Tan
02/11/20141 Timothy 4 1-5Do not Abandon the Only Truth
John Tan
09/11/2014Psalm 34 -Navigating the Crossroads in Life
Mr Lim Chin Leng
16/11/2014Joshua 2 -Which Way To Go
Mr Brad King
23/11/20141 Timothy 4-610_Spiritual Fitness
John Tan
30/11/20141 Timothy 4 11-16Be a Godly Role Model
John Tan
14/12/20141 Timothy 5 17-25Keeping Leadership Biblical
John Tan
21/12/2014Ephesians 1 15-23The Prosperity Gospel
Rev Khan Hui Neon
24/12/2014Matthew 2 1-11Christmas Jesus and I
Rev Dr Samuel Goh
28/12/20141 Timothy 6 1-10Give More Knows Nothing and Takes Nothing
John Tan
04/01/2015John 3 16-17Why Jesus Came
Mr Aaron Chan
11/01/20151 Timothy 6 11-16Marching Orders for the Man of God
John Tan
18/01/20151 Timothy 6 17-21Guard sound doctrine
John Tan
25/01/2015Joshua 1 1-9Stand Up and Stand Out
Rev Daniel Sum
01/02/20152 Timothy 1 1-7Homegrown Faith
John Tan
15/02/2015Psalm 100 1-5Who We Are
Pastor Albert Lee
22/02/2015Jeremiah 8 - Charming the Snake
Mr Jacob Prasch
01/03/20152 Timothy 1 13-18Guard the word
John Tan
08/03/20152 Timothy 2 1-2Pass It On
John Tan
15/03/20152 Timothy 2 3-7Enduring Hardship
John Tan
29/03/2015Romans 1 1-Slave To Christ
Pastor Vima Alagu
03/04/2015 -Can The Death of One Good Man Save The World
Mr Thomas John
05/04/20152 Timothy 2 8-19An Approved Workman
John Tan
12/04/20152 Timothy 2 20-26Flee from and Pursue
John Tan
19/04/2015Matthew 6 9-13The Lord's Prayer
Pastor Dr. Mah Yeow Beng
26/04/2015Luke 13 18-30Upside Down Kingdom
Dr George Capaque
03/05/20152 Timothy 3 1-5In Perilous Times
John Tan
10/05/20152 Timothy 3 6-12Transparent and True
John Tan
17/05/2015 -Why did Jesus say that the... Spirit filled-life was essential (Part 1)
Pastor Mark Balmer
24/05/2015 -What does the Spirit Filled Life actually look like (Part 2)
Pastor Mark Balmer
31/05/20152 Timothy 3 13-17Equipping the Man of God
John Tan
07/06/20152 Timothy 4 1-5Keep Calm and Preach On
John Tan
14/06/20152 Timothy 2-4 8- have Finished the Race
John Tan
14/06/20152 Timothy 2 4-8I have Finished the Race
John Tan
21/06/2015Psalm 1 -Are you a Tree or a Driftwood
Mr Christopher Tan
28/06/2015Romans 8 28-30The Ministry of Circumstances
Mr Lee Heng Wing
05/07/20152 Timothy 4 9-16 Road-block to Finishing Well
John Tan
02/08/20152 Timothy 4 19-22Good friends on the Road of Life
John Tan
09/08/20151 Corinthians 12-God the Holy Spirit-The Giver
John Tan
16/08/20151 Corinthians 12-14Spiritual Gifts 2 The Spiritual Gifts Pt 1
John Tan
23/08/2015Corinthians 12 14-Spiritual Gifts Pt 2
John Tan
30/08/2015Deuteronomy 8 1-20Remembering God's ways Past and Future
Dr Jerry Hwang
06/09/2015John 1 1-Background and Purpose
John Tan
13/09/2015John 1 1-5The Word
John Tan
20/09/2015John 1 6-13The light revealed rejected and received
John Tan
27/09/20151 Thessalonian 1 -Emulatable Model Church The Thessalonians
Mr Thomas John
11/10/2015Luke 9 18-36Know Who you follow
Mr Elmer Lau
18/10/2015John 1 14-18 The Word become Flesh
John Tan
25/10/2015John 1 19-28Christ's Forerunner P1
John Tan
01/11/2015John 1 29-34Christ's Forerunner P2
John Tan
08/11/2015John 1 35-42Seeking Souls
John Tan
22/11/2015Joshua 24 14-15Serving in the Promised Land
Mr Lim Chin Leng
29/11/2015John 2 1-5The Wedding Guest Pt.1
John Tan
13/12/2015Isaiah 50 10-11When God seems Silent
Mr Lee Heng Wing
20/12/2015John 2 6-11The Wedding Guest P2
John Tan
10/01/2016James 1 2-11Gods Attributes and Life Trials
Mr William Lim
17/01/2016Ecclesiastes 7 1-14What is Truly Better
Albert Lee
24/01/2016John 3 1-8 A Nick in the Night
John Tan
31/01/2016John 3 9-15Born Again How (Part 1)
John Tan
07/02/2016John 3 16-Born Again How (Part 2)
John Tan
14/02/2016John 3 17-21Born Again How (Part 3)
John Tan
21/02/2016John 3 22-30To Compete or To Complete
John Tan
28/02/2016Philemon 1-23Peacemaking and Forgiveness
Michael Chong Emmaus EFC
06/03/2016John 3 31-36Birth of the Messianic Age
John Tan
13/03/2016John 4 1-15The Struggling Samaritan Woman (Part1)
John Tan
20/03/2016John 14 8-21Show us the Father
Aw Kong Yow
25/03/2016John 18 -The Faces of evil under the light
Matthew Teo
27/03/2016John 4 16-26The Struggling Samaritan Woman (Part2)
John Tan
03/04/2016John 4 27-42Because You Cared
John Tan
10/04/20162 & 3 John -Love in Truth
Moseo Chen
17/04/2016Luke 14 25-35Who Can Be a Disciple
Dr Rob MacEwen
24/04/20161 Peter 1 1-12 Praise God for His Great Salvation
Dr George Capaque
01/05/2016John 4 43-54His Word Is Good Enough
John Tan
22/05/2016Luke 10 25-37Intentional Living
Daniel Sum
05/06/2016James 5 7-20Discipleship, Patience and Praying in Faith
Thomas John
12/06/2016John 5 31-473 Witnesses to the Deity of Jesus
John Tan
19/06/2016John 6 1-155000 At the Picnic
John Tan
26/06/2016John 11 17-27I am the Resurrection & the Life
Pastor Sim Kay Tee
03/07/2016John 6 16-21How to Survie Lifes Storm
John Tan
10/07/2016Daniel 6 -Why does God allow troubles in our lives
Pastor Mark Balmer
10/07/2016Luke 10 -The Value and impact of ONE
Pastor Mark Balmer
17/07/2016John 6 22-29Investing in stomach or soul
John Tan
24/07/2016Genesis 25 -Whos Jacobbing Who
Dr. Mah Yoew Beng
31/07/2016John 6 30-40I am The Bread of Life (Pt 1)
John Tan
07/08/2016 John 6 41-51I am The Bread of Life (Pt 2)
John Tan
14/08/2016 Luke 24 36-53Believe, Proclaim and Praise
Pastor Ong Sim Chuan
28/08/2016John 6 60-71I am The Bread of Life (Pt 4)
John Tan
04/09/2016John 7 1-13Be Public or Be Popular
John Tan
18/09/2016John 7 25-36The Ignorance of the Locals and Pharisees
John Tan
25/09/2016Genesis 24 1-67What does Living a God-directed Life Require
Pastor Shane Mack
02/10/2016John 7 37-44Jesus the Fountain of Living Water
John Tan
09/10/2016John 7 45-53Willful Unbelief Blinded the Pharisees
John Tan
16/10/2016John 8 1-11Scribbling in the Sand
John Tan
23/10/2016Genesis 18 1-15The God Who Visited and brought us Laughter
Mr Lim Chin Leng
06/11/2016John 8 12-20I Am the Light of the World
John Tan
13/11/2016Phillippians 2 -Grounds for Caring for Others
Pastor Thomas John
20/11/2016John 8 21-30Doubt and you will die
John Tan
27/11/20162 Kings 5-The Generous God of Outcasts
Jerry Hwang
11/12/2016Ecclesiastes 1 -Vapour of Vapours
Francis Lim
18/12/2016Hebrews 12 1-13Just Keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming
Mr Desmond Teo
25/12/2016Christmas -Finding Peace in the Age of Distruption
Mr Elmer Lau
08/01/2017Luke 8 26-39Go Home and Tell
Pastor Sim Kay Tee
15/01/2017John 8 48-59Just Who Do You Think You Are
John Tan
22/01/2017John 9 1-12When LIfe Hurts, Where is God
John Tan
29/01/2017John 9 13-23Though I Was Blind but now I See
John Tan
05/02/2017John 9 24-34Though I Was Blind but now I See Part 2
John Tan
12/02/2017Hebrews 11 6-Living in Faithfulness
Pastor Daniel Sum
19/02/2017John 9 35-41Do you have any blind spots
John Tan
26/02/2017John 10 1-9I Am The Door
John Tan
05/03/2017Mark 4 35-5-1Jesus calms the Storm
Pastor Albert Lee
12/03/2017 -Faith is spelled RISK
Pastor Mark Balmer
19/03/2017John 10 10-21I Am The Good Sheperd
John Tan
26/03/2017John 10 22-42Believe vs Unbelief
John Tan
02/04/2017Matthew 27 38-43His Suffering, Our Redemption. An Inconvenient Journey
Pastor Moseo Chen
09/04/2017Isaiah 11 -The Old Testament Structure Of the Messianic Prophecy
Mr Jacob Prasch
14/04/2017 -Characters before the Cross Caiaphas and Pilate
Mr Thomas John
16/04/2017Song of Solomon 7 13-'The Mandrakes' The Old Testament Typology of Leah and Rachel
Mr Jacob Prasch
23/04/2017John 14 1-14One Way Only
Dr George Capaque
30/04/2017Luke 5 1-11Turning Lives Downside Up
Mr Damien Tay
07/05/2017John 11 1-16Loved but Died for the Glory of Jesus Part 1
John Tan
14/05/20171 Kings 22 1-40A Life of Lie
Mr Chin Khai Ying
21/05/2017John 11 1-16Loved but Died for the Glory of Jesus Part 2
John Tan
28/05/2017John 11 1-16Loved but Died for the Glory of Jesus Part 3
John Tan
04/06/2017John 11 17-32I am the resurrection and the life
John Tan
11/06/2017John 11 33-444 days late yet still on time
John Tan
18/06/2017Matthew 7 7-11A.S.K.
Mr Francis Lim
25/06/2017Ecclesiastes 12 8-14Meaningful Living in the Face of Meaninglessness
Dr Yee Chin Hong
02/07/2017John 11 45-57Believe Betray or Bumpoff
John Tan
09/07/2017John 12 1-12The Start Of Re-Creation
John Tan
16/07/2017John 12 12-19A Day A Donkey and a Deliverer
John Tan
23/07/2017John 12 20-26Triggering the Hour
John Tan
30/07/2017 -Something Beautiful For God
Mr Thomas John
06/08/2017Ruth 1 1-18Surpassing Love
Dr Jeremy Chew
13/08/2017John 12 27-36The Cross Culture
John Tan
20/08/2017 -The Revelation of Jesus Christ
Pastor Vima Alagu
27/08/2017Eph 1 15-23Prayer and Reformation
Dr Jerry Hwang
10/09/2017John 13 1-5The Towel or The Throne
John Tan
17/09/20171 Thessalonians 4 13-511_Comfort Encourage and Build Up in Christ
Pastor Ong Sim Chuan
24/09/20171 Corinthians 15 1-58The Gospel from Adam To Christ
Dr Kon Kee Fui
01/10/2017John 13 6-17The Basin Theology
John Tan
08/10/2017John 13 18-30Unmasking the Betrayer
John Tan
15/10/2017Acts 9 26-27Deflator or Inflator - Barnabas
Rev Jacob Li
22/10/2017Matt 28 19-20Mission in Focus
Mr Tan Ban Thong
29/10/2017Revelation 3 14-22Be Zealous and Repent
Mr Derrick Liao
05/11/2017John 13 31-35A Disciple's Badge
John Tan
12/11/2017Ephesians 5 21-64_Role Differentiation
Dr Mah Yeow Beng
19/11/2017Psalm 2 -Where is the world heading
Mr Elmer Lau
26/11/2017John 13 36-14FAQ 1 Where Are You Going
John Tan
03/12/2017John 14 5-14FAQ 2-3
John Tan
10/12/2017 -A Messianic Perspective of The Nativity
Mr Jacob Prasch
17/12/20172 Corinthians 5 14-21You only Live Once...or so they say
Mr Desmond Teo
24/12/2017Matthew 2 1-12The One Star Motel
John Tan
31/12/2017Jonah 4 1-11Your Biblical World View Matters
Mr Francis Lim
07/01/2018John 14 15-21The Helper is needed to Agape Jesus
John Tan
14/01/2018Acts 8 26-40The Desert Road
Pastor Sim Kay Tee
21/01/2018Ephesians 5 15-21The Power of Christian Living
Rev. Dr. Raymond Song
28/01/2018John 14 22-25FAQ 4 Judas Who is Going to tell Them
John Tan
04/02/2018Genesis 11 1-19The Nature & Character of Babylon
Pastor Vima Alagu
11/02/2018John 14 26-31The Helper in times of trouble
John Tan
18/02/2018John 15 1-11The True And His Fruitful Branches
John Tan
25/02/2018John 15 6-11The True And His Fruitful Branches Pt 2
John Tan
04/03/2018John 15 12-17Slaves or Friends
John Tan
11/03/2018John 15 18-27Hated for the Sake of Jesus
John Tan
18/03/2018Ephesians 1 3-14The Gospel Before Creation
Dr Kon Kee Fui
25/03/2018Matthew 9 35-38Compassion for the Lost
Rev Dr Raymond Song
30/03/20181 Peter 3 18-Hanging from or Look to a tree
John Tan
01/04/2018Romans 10 9-Resurrection and Early Christian Belief
Mr Thomas John
08/04/2018John 16 1-7The Helper in a Hostile World (Part 1)
John Tan
15/04/2018Acts 17 22-31The Unknown God in Athens
Moseo Chen
22/04/2018John 16 8-15The Helper in a Hostile World (Part 2)
John Tan
29/04/2018Revelation 3 7-13Hold Fast
Mr Lim Chin Leng
06/05/2018Genesis 22 1-18The Wonders of Worship
Pastor Rev Daniel Sum
13/05/2018John 15 4-11Abide in Christ
Pastor Albert Lee
20/05/20181 Corinthians 12 1-31Week 1 - The Person of the Holy Spirit
John Tan
27/05/20181 Corinthians 12 1-31Week 2 - The Work of the Holy Spirit
John Tan
03/06/20181 Corinthians 12 1-31Week 3 - The Spritual Gifts Part 1
John Tan
10/06/20181 Corinthians 12 1-31Week 4 - The Spritual Gifts Part 2
John Tan
17/06/20181 Samuel 6 1-71_Godly Godless Godless Godly
Mr Francis Lim
24/06/2018James 4 1-12Cheating on God
Mr Chin Khai Ying
01/07/2018Isaiah 6 1-8The God We Worship
Pastor Sim Kay Tee
08/07/2018Ephesians 3 20-21God's Unlimited Abilities
Pastor Mark Balmer
15/07/2018John 16 16-22From Brief Grief to Future Joy
John Tan
22/07/2018John 16 23-28How to send KneE-Mail
John Tan
29/07/2018Jeremiah 28 29-nowing and Doing the Will of God
Rev Dr Jerry Hwang
05/08/2018Luke 10 38-42What is the Better Thing
Pastor Shane Mack
12/08/2018John 16 29-33Scared Scattered but Shining in Jesus
John Tan
19/08/2018John 17 1-5The Desire of Glorify the Father
John Tan
26/08/20181 Kings 1 1-53The Royal Rumble
Mr Elmer Lau
09/09/2018John 17 6-10The Desire of Present the Eleven
John Tan
16/09/2018Luke 12 13-21Building Bigger Barns
Derrick Liao
23/09/2018 -Its Time to Step Up
Pastor Mark Balmer
07/10/2018John 17 11-19The Desires of Jesus to Keep the Eleven
John Tan
14/10/2018John 17 20-26The Desires of Jesus to Keep All Future Believers
John Tan
21/10/2018Romans 12 9-13Loving without Hypocrisy
Rev Dr Andrew Spurgeon
28/10/2018Acts 4 32-35Building the Perfect Community
Rev Dr Jacob Li
04/11/20182 Kings 21 1-18Point Of No Return
Mr Elmer Lau
11/11/2018Romans 8 18-25The Gospel For The Consummation
Dr Kon Kee Fui
18/11/2018John 18 1-11 The I Am Rejected but The Lamb Revealed
John Tan
25/11/2018John 18 12-18The Lamb Drinking the Cup for Peter
John Tan
01/12/2018John 18 19-27The Lamb in a Kangaroo Court for Peter
John Tan
09/12/2018John 18 28-32The King His Kingdom and His Truth Part 1
John Tan
16/12/2018Ephesians 3 14-21Breathing Taking (Paul's) Prayer
Thomas John
23/12/2018Romans 5 20-6-23Dead and Alive
Mr Francis Lim
25/12/2018 -The Incompatible Manger but Accessible
John Tan
30/12/2018John 18 33-40The King His Kingdom and His Truth Part 2
John Tan
06/01/2019John 19 1-8Caesar Is King or Christ
John Tan
13/01/2019Hebrews 12 1-3Finish Well
Rev Daniel Sum
20/01/2019John 19 9-15Is Caesar King or Christ
John Tan
27/01/2019John 19 16-22'Agape' Drank The Cup
John Tan
03/02/2019John 19 23-24The Cross Imprinted on Eternity
John Tan
10/02/2019Luke 5 17-26True Friends
Pastor Sim Kay Tee
17/02/2019Luke 17 11-19Grateful and Thankful
Pastor Sim Kay Tee
24/02/2019Luke 23 32-43Changed by Jesus
Pastor Sim Kay Tee
03/03/20191 Thessalonians 1 5-10Transformed Christ Followers Impact
Pastor Mark Balmer
10/03/2019Deuteronomy 6 23-The Wilderness
Pastor Vima Alagu
17/03/2019John 19 25-27Families are formed at the cross
John Tan
24/03/2019Psalm 103 1-5A Higher Ground
Moseo Chen
31/03/2019Colossians 1 1-14The Hidden Treasures of Redemption
Rev Dr Andrew Spurgeon
07/04/2019Colossians 1 15-23The Hidden Treasures of The Son
Rev Dr Andrew Spurgeon
14/04/2019Colossians 1 24-29The Hiddenness of the Mystery
Rev Dr Andrew Spurgeon
19/04/2019Matt 27 51-53What Happened After The Cross
John Tan
21/04/2019John 19 28-29iThirst
John Tan
28/04/2019John 19 30-It is Finished
John Tan
05/05/2019John 19 31-37Nailed Died then Pierced
John Tan
11/05/2019John 19 38-42Buried in a Borrowed Tomb
John Tan
19/05/2019Esther 4 13-14A Masterpiece for the Master's Plan
Rev Jacob Li
26/05/2019Acts 27 1-26Courage to fufil the Master's Plan
Rev Jacob Li
02/06/2019Galatians 5 16-26True Freedom
Chin Khai Ying
09/06/2019Revelations 6 12 17-Nowhere to Hide
Dr Kon Kee Fui
16/06/2019John 8 31-32True Disciples
Mr Liong Kwok Wai
23/06/2019Ruth 1 1-5Making Smart But Unwise Decisions
Pastor Albert Lee
30/06/2019Ruth 1 6-22Making Dead Ends into New Ways
Pastor Albert Lee
07/07/2019John 20 1-9The Message from the Empty Tomb Part 1
John Tan
14/07/2019John 20 1-The Message From The Empty Tomb Part 2
John Tan
21/07/2019John 20 10-18Revealed, for Mary to be Sent
John Tan
28/07/2019Luke 8 4-21Where Your Heart Is
Mr Francis Lim
04/08/2019Psalm 103 -Give Thanks For Your Blessings
Pastor Shane Mack
11/08/2019John 20 19-25Revealed, for the Discples to be Sent
John Tan
18/08/2019John 20 26-31Show Me
John Tan
25/08/2019Philippians 3 1-16The Worth-lessness of our CVs
Rev Dr Jerry Hwang
01/09/2019John 21 1-14Gone Back to Fishing
John Tan
08/09/2019John 21 15-19Restored To Feed And To Follow
John Tan
15/09/2019Leviticus 26 1-46The Bridge To The Messiah
Dr Kon Kee Fui
22/09/2019Numbers 22 -Dumb and Dumber (Lessons from a Talking Donkey)
Mr Elmer Lau
29/09/2019Matthew 21 1-11He Ain't Heavy(Lessons from a young donkey)
Mr Elmer Lau
06/10/2019John 21 20-25Final Lessons on the Beach
John Tan
13/10/2019Genesis 1 -Genesis The Background and Overview
John Tan
20/10/2019Exodus 3 11-Vocation
Dr Yee Chin Hong
27/10/2019Exodus 8 8-32Praying for the Enemy
Dr Yee Chin Hong
03/11/2019Genesis 1 1-2Creation and Chaos
John Tan
10/11/2019Genesis 1 3-19The Creation Week Day 1 to 4
John Tan
17/11/2019Genesis 1 20-3The Creation Week Day 5 to 7
John Tan
24/11/2019Galatians 5 25-6Bearing One Anothers Burdens
Derrick Liao
01/12/2019Ephesians 2 11-22What Christ Has Done Between Us
Dr Mah Yeow Beng
08/12/2019Genesis 2 4-15The Man and The Garden
John Tan
15/12/2019Genesis 26 1-Beauty Physical Integrity Climate Change
Mr Thomas John
22/12/2019Genesis 2 16-25The Command The Climax and The Consummation
John Tan
25/12/2019 -Is Christmas About The Tree
John Tan
29/12/2019Genesis 3 1-7The Temptation And The Fall
John Tan
05/01/2020Genesis 3 8-19The Curse And The Cure
John Tan
12/01/2020Ruth 2 1-23Making A Living or Living By Faith
Pastor Albert Lee
19/01/2020Ruth 3 1-18Doing What is Right or What Feels Right
Pastor Albert Lee
26/01/2020Genesis 3 20-24Go Green Or Go Skin
John Tan
02/02/2020Ephesians 1 -God and Christians Unite in Christ and Spirit
Dr Andrew Spurgeon
09/02/2020Ephesians 2 -Jews and Gentiles Unite on the cross on Jesus death
Dr Andrew Spurgeon
16/02/2020Ephesians 3 -Heavenly Father and Christians for a common mission
Dr Andrew Spurgeon
23/02/2020James 2 14-26Fortify Your Faith
Rev Daniel Sum
01/03/2020Genesis 4 1-7Cain A Brother A Farmer and A Worshipper
John Tan
08/03/2020Genesis 4 8-16Cain An Angry Brother to A Murderer
John Tan
15/03/2020John 14 6-Where Are You Going
Pastor Vima Alagu
22/03/2020Nehemiah 8 -Experiencing Contagious Joy
Mr Liong Kwok Wai
29/03/2020Genesis 4 17-26The Ungodly and Godly Lines
John Tan
05/04/2020Genesis 4 1-25The Pattern of the Messiah
John Tan
12/04/2020Luke 24 36-53The Four Witnesses at Calvary
Daniel Chua
19/04/2020Acts 8 26-40Be Ready to Preach the Gospel
Daniel Chua
26/04/2020Numbers 12 1-16Meekness
Chin Kai Ying
03/05/2020Genesis 5 1-32The Gospel Hidden in the Genealogy
John Tan
10/05/2020Genesis 5 1-24The Adam-Like and The Christ-Like
John Tan
17/05/2020John 6 35-40I Am The Bread Of Life
Sim Kay Tee
24/05/2020John 8 12-I Am The Light of the World
Sim Kay Tee
31/05/2020John 10 7-I Am the Gate for the Sheep
Sim Kay Tee
07/06/2020Genesis 6 1-8God Grieved by Mans Evil
John Tan
14/06/2020Genesis 6 9-Noah In the Eyes of God Part 1
John Tan
21/06/2020Joshua 1 1-9Be Strong and Courageous
Sherman Tjiong
28/06/2020Revelation 6 1-11Bread or Beer for a Days Wage
Kon Kee Fui
05/07/2020Hebrews 11 7-Noah In the Eyes of God Part 2
John Tan
12/07/2020Genesis 6 10-22Noah In the Shadow of the Messiah
John Tan
17/07/2020Matthew 24 36-37Return Ready
Rev Dr Samuel Law
26/07/2020Ruth 4 1-22Gods Redeeming Love
Pastor Albert Lee
02/08/2020Luke 14 1-24The Man Who Came To Dinner
Dr Yee Chin Hong
09/08/2020Genesis 7 1-16Come In Shut In Rain On
John Tan
16/08/2020Genesis 7 10-24The 40 Day Wipe Out
John Tan
23/08/2020Ephesians 1 15-23A Prayer for Eyes of the Hearts to be Opened
Dr Andrew Spurgeon
30/08/2020Jonah 1 -Sleeping Through The Storm
Mr Derrick Liao
06/09/2020Genesis 1-5 -God Remembered
John Tan
13/09/2020Genesis 8 6-22The Raven The Dove and The Altar
John Tan
20/09/2020John 11 19-27Lord If Only You Had Been Here
Rev Dr Jerry Hwang
27/09/2020John 15 18-19War of the Worlds - Epic Battle for Planet Earth
Dr Kon Kee Fui
04/10/2020Genesis 9 1-7The Rules and The Rainbow
John Tan
11/10/2020Genesis 9 8-17The Rules and The Rainbow Part 2
John Tan
18/10/2020Jeremiah 1 -Declare My Judgement Against Them
Dr Peter Ho
25/10/2020Proverbs 31 10-31An Excellent Wife - Who Can Find
Mr Derrick Liao
01/11/2020Genesis 9 18-29The Failure and The Prophecy
John Tan
08/11/2020Romans 4 18-21Lay It On The Altar
Pastor Shane Mack
15/11/2020Mini Series -Tough Questions About GodDoes God Change His Mind
Mr Elmer Lau
22/11/2020Mini Series -Tough Questions About GodDoes God Disappoint
Mr Elmer Lau
29/11/2020Genesis 10 1-The Prophetic History - Of The 3 Sons
John Tan
06/12/2020Genesis 10 2-20The Prophetic History - Of Japheth and Ham
John Tan
13/12/2020Philippians 2 6-11The Weight Of Incarnation
Rev Dr Andrew Spurgeon
20/12/2020Hebrews 2 18-The Blessedness Of Incarnation
Rev Dr Andrew Spurgeon
25/12/2020Christmas Special -I Already Know All About Christmas
John Tan
27/12/2020Genesis 10 6-20The Prophetic History Of Ham
John Tan
03/01/2021Genesis 10 21-32The Prophetic History Of Shem
John Tan
10/01/2021Ephesians 1 -The Will Of God
Derrick Liao
17/01/2021John 10 11-18I Am The Good Shepherd
Pastor Sim Kay Tee
24/01/2021John 14 6-I Am The Way, Truth and Life
Pastor Sim Kay Tee
31/01/2021John 15 1-8I Am The True Vine
Pastor Sim Kay Tee
07/02/2021Genesis 11 1-9Nimrod A Shadow Of The Antichrist
John Tan
14/02/2021Genesis 11 10-32Abram The Sign of The Coming Christ
John Tan
21/02/20212 Tim 1 -Stand Firm on the Faith of the fathers and mothers
Rev Dr Andrew Spurgeon
28/02/20212 Tim 2 -Fight As A Soldier For The Unfettered Gospel
Rev Dr Andrew Spurgeon
07/03/20212 Tim 3 -Finish The Race Ignoring The Mockers
Rev Dr Andrew Spurgeon
14/03/2021Genesis 12 1-3Abrahams Journey Part 1 - Ur to Haran
John Tan
21/03/2021Genesis 12 4-9Abrahams Journey Part 2 - Haran to the Negev
John Tan
28/03/2021Ephesians 2 -The Grace Of God
Derrick Liao
02/04/20211 Peter 3 18-Bad Things Happen On Good Friday
John Tan
04/04/2021Psalm 121 -133Arise To Worship
Rev Liong Kwok Wai
11/04/2021Acts 2 -Lessons From The Early Church (Part 1)
Dr Yee Chin Hong
18/04/2021Acts 4 32-5-11Lessons From The Early Church (Part 2)
Dr Yee Chin Hong
25/04/2021Romans 13 11-14 What The Present Season Requires
Dr McCoy Chow
02/05/2021Genesis 12 10-Abraham Journey (Part 3) - From The Negev To Egypt
John Tan
09/05/2021Genesis 12 11-20Abraham Journey (Part 4) - From The Egypt To Shame
John Tan
16/05/2021Ephesians 6 5-9Immunizing Relationships Against Covid(Part 1) - Workplace
Rev Jacob Li
23/05/2021Ephesians 6 22-33Immunizing Relationships Against Covid (Part 2) - Marriage
Rev Jacob Li
30/05/2021Ephesians 2 11-313_The Gospel of Peace Good News and Bad News
Derrick Liao
06/06/2021Genesis 13 1-13Abraham Journey (Part 5) - From Shame Back To Bethel
John Tan
13/06/2021Genesis 13 8-13Abraham Journey (Part 6) - From Bethel to separation
John Tan
20/06/2021Genesis 13 14-18Abraham Journey (Part 7) - From Bethel to Hebron
John Tan
27/06/2021Matthew 16 18-19War of the World - Rise of the Gates of Hades
Dr Kon Kee Fui
04/07/2021Ephesians 3 14-4-32Living Responsibly As Christians (Part 1)
Derrick Liao
11/07/2021Judges 1 1-2-5It Starts With Compromises
Pastor Albert Lee
18/07/2021Judges 2 6-3-6We Are Our Own Worst Enemy
Pastor Albert Lee
25/07/2021Judges 3 7-31Some Interesting People God Uses
Pastor Albert Lee
01/08/2021Genesis 14 1-16Abraham Rescues Lot
John Tan
08/08/2021Genesis 14 17-24Melchizedek Serves A Covenant Meal
John Tan
15/08/2021Colossians 3 11-4-5Returning To 7 Day Love
Samuel Law
22/08/2021Psalm 46 1-11Have Faith Not Fear
Rev Daniel Sum
29/08/2021Ephesians 5 1-6-9Living Responsibly As Christians (Part 2)
Derrick Liao
05/09/2021Hebrews 5 -7_Melchizedek The King Priest And Prophet
John Tan
12/09/2021Genesis 15 1-6Abraham's Concern #1 - An Heir
John Tan
19/09/2021Revelation 2 1-28The Essential Letters (Part 1)
Elmer Lau
26/09/2021Revelation 3 1-22The Essential Letters (Part 2)
Elmer Lau
03/10/2021Genesis 15 7-12Abraham's Covenant #2 - The Land(Part 1)
John Tan
10/10/2021Genesis 15 13-21Abraham's Covenant #2 - The Land (Part 2)
John Tan
17/10/2021Genesis 16 1-6Sarah's Plan....Abraham's Fault
John Tan
24/10/20211 Thessalonians 4 13-18The Rapture(Pretribulational)
Chin Khai Ying
31/10/2021Ecclesiastes 12 1-14Remember!
Shane Mack
07/11/2021Genesis 16 7-16Hagar and Ishmael
John Tan
14/11/2021Ecclesiastes 4 1-12Bullies,Coolies And Kakis
Mah Yeow Beng
21/11/2021Genesis 17 1-8God's Plan - As For Me
John Tan
28/11/2021Psalm 103 -Hesed @ the Heart
Peter Ho
05/12/2021Ephesians 6 10-24Never Give Up!
Derrick Liao
12/12/2021Genesis 17 9-14God's Plan(Part 2) - As For You...
John Tan
19/12/2021Philemon 1 -Talk the Walk,Walk the Talk
Liong Kwok Wai
24/12/2021 -hristmas the Cure
John Tan
26/12/2021Revelation 16 -18War Of The Worlds
Kon K F
02/01/2022Genesis 17 15-27Gods Plan(Part 3)-As For Sarah...And Ishmael
John Tan
09/01/2022Genesis 18 1-15Sarah 'died' laughing
John Tan
16/01/2022Genesis 18 16-33The Way Of The LORD
John Tan
23/01/2022Judges 4 -5God Is At Work
Albert Lee
30/01/2022Judges 6 -7The Making Of A Leader
Albert Lee
06/02/2022Judges 8 -The UnMaking Of a Leader
Albert Lee
13/02/2022Genesis 19 1-7The Angels And The Perverts (Part 1)
John Tan
20/02/2022 Genesis 19 8-11The Angels & The Perverts (Part 2)
John Tan
27/02/2022Jonah 1 1-6Jonah's Disobedience
Derrick Liao
06/03/2022Genesis 19 12-26Forcefully Removed
John Tan
13/03/2022Genesis 19 27-38The Blessed And The Botched
John Tan
20/03/2022Joel 1 13-20A Call To Lament
Yee Chin Hong
27/03/2022Genesis 13 1-13Lot, the Two-Timer(Part 1)
Chow McCoy
03/04/2022Genesis 19 1-14Lot, the Two-Timer(Part 2)
McCoy Chow
10/04/2022Genesis 1 -9The Kingdom of Heaven - Covenant With Creation
Kon K F
15/04/2022Acts 13-2630_Did God Die
John Tan
17/04/2022Jonah 1 7-17Sailors' Desperation
Derrick Liao
24/04/2022Genesis 20 1-10A Plain Pagan & A Scumbag
John Tan
01/05/2022Genesis 20 11-18'The Old Man' From Ur
John Tan
08/05/2022Genesis 21 1-8The Son - Isaac's Birth As Promised
John Tan
15/05/2022 Matthew 25-1430_Parable of the Talents
Chin Khai Ying
22/05/2022Book of Habakkuk -at To Do When Prayers Are Not Answered
Jacob Li
29/05/2022Hosea -ow To Love The Unlovely
Jacob Li
05/06/2022Genesis 21 9-21The Conflict-Isaac Persecuted
John Tan
12/06/2022Genesis 21 22-34The Land - Abimelek Seeks A Covenant
John Tan
19/06/2022Genesis 3 1-24Kingdom Of God - 2. Corruption Of Creation
Kon K F
26/06/2022Jonah 2 -Jonah's Despair
Derrick Liao
03/07/2022Book of Proverbs -The Proverbs Driven Life
Sim Kay Tee
10/07/2022Book of Proverbs -WOW! Watch Our Words
Sim Kay Tee
17/07/2022Book of Proverbs -Prosperity & Priority
Sim Kay Tee
24/07/2022Genesis 22 1-2A Polaroid of Jesus - Abraham Tested (Part 1)
John Tan
31/07/2022Genesis 22 3-8A Polaroid of Jesus - Abraham Tested (Part 2)
John Tan
07/08/2022Jonah 3 -Nineveh's Deliverance
Derrick Liao
14/08/2022Psalm 134 -The Post Pandemic Challenge
Samuel Law
21/08/2022Luke 5 1-11Jesus' Call to Discipleship,Body Life & Missions
Alvin Tan
28/08/2022Genesis 22 9-18A Polaroid of Jesus - Abraham Tested (Part 3)
John Tan
04/09/2022Genesis 22 19-24A Polaroid of Jesus - Isaac Rewarded (Part 4)
John Tan
11/09/2022Genesis 22 19-A Polaroid of Jesus - His Bride (Part 5)
John Tan
18/09/2022John 21 1-17Discipleship Restored
Elmer Lau
25/09/2022John 21 18-23Discipleship Refocused
Elmer Lau
02/10/2022Jeremiah 31 31-34The Kingdom of Heaven - New Covenant With Creation
Kon K F
09/10/2022Jonah 4 1-5Jonah's Displeasure
Derrick Liao
16/10/2022Psalm 1 -The Blessed Person
Mah Yeow Beng
23/10/2022Genesis 15 1-21The Blood Covenant - Faithfulness of Jesus
Liong Kwok Wai
30/10/20221 Samuel 18 1-4The Blood Covenant - Brotherly Love
Liong Kwok Wai
06/11/2022Philippians 4 10-20The Secret to Contentment
Shane Mack
13/11/2022Genesis 23 1-6The Death And The Dance
John Tan
20/11/2022Genesis 23 7-20'The Grave' is the Door to 'The Land'
John Tan
27/11/2022Judges 9 -When God is Forgotten
Albert Lee
04/12/2022Judges 10 -Peace, Prosperity & Then What
Albert Lee
11/12/2022Revelation 20 -22The Kingdom of Heaven - Restoration of Creation(Part 1)
Kon Kee Fui
12/12/2022The Book of Haggai (Part 1) -
Jacob Li
12/12/2022The Book of Haggai (Part 2) -
Jacob Li
13/12/2022The Book of Haggai (Part 1) -
Jacob Li
13/12/2022The Book of Haggai (Part 2) -
Jacob Li
14/12/2022The Book of Haggai -
Jacob Li
18/12/2022Lessons From the Book of Jonah -issions Impossible
Derrick Liao
25/12/2022 -Are You Tired of Christmas
John Tan
01/01/2023Tee Selected from Proverbs -4 Relationships - GOD, Family, Friends & World
Sim Kay
08/01/2023Selected from Proverbs -Work - Labour, Loafers & Leisure
Sim Kay Tee
15/01/2023Selected from Proverbs -Wayward Woman & Wonderful Wife
Sim Kay Tee
22/01/2023Leviticus 25 8-12The Kingdom of Heaven-Restoration of Creation(Part 2)
Kon K F
22/01/2023Leviticus 25 8-12The Kingdom of Heaven-Restoration of Creation(Part 2)
Kon K F
29/01/2023Genesis 24 1-10In Search of The Bride
John Tan
05/02/2023Genesis 24 11-53The Bride - Found, Tested & Approved
John Tan
12/02/2023Genesis 24 54-67The Bride's Faith To Go Immediately
John Tan
19/02/2023Jonah 1 15-210_The Greatest Obstacle in World Mission
Jerry Hwang
19/02/2023Jonah 1 15-210_The Greatest Obstacle in World Mission
Jerry Hwang
26/02/2023Psalms 84 -Blessings in the Valley of Baca
Yee Chin Hong
05/03/2023Genesis 25 1-11The End Times and the Genealogy of the 6 Sons
John Tan
12/03/2023Genesis 25 12-18The End Times and Genealogy of Ishmael
John Tan
12/03/2023Genesis 25 12-18The End Times and Genealogy of Ishmael
John Tan
19/03/2023Luke 21 25-28Before the Final Judgement (Part 1) - Order of Events
Kon K F
26/03/2023Genesis 25 19-26The Birth of Esau & Jacob
John Tan
02/04/2023Judges 11 1-127_Jephthah - Enthusiasm Without Knowledge
Albert Lee
07/04/2023Romans 5 8-My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me !
09/04/2023Judges 13 -Samson-A Man Like You And Me
Albert Lee
16/04/2023Luke 8 4-21Hearing That Bears Fruit
McCoy Choy
16/04/2023Luke 8 4-21Hearing That Bears Fruit
McCoy Choy
23/04/2023Genesis 25 27-34Esau, Jacob And The Birth-right
John Tan
23/04/2023Genesis 25 27-34Esau, Jacob And The Birth-right
John Tan
30/04/2023Genesis 26 27-34Isaac Distanced From Famine and Wife
John Tan
07/05/2023Acts 2 14-47Counsel For the Contemporary Church
Daniel Sum
07/05/2023Acts 2 14-47Counsel For the Contemporary Church
Daniel Sum
14/05/2023Genesis 26 12-25Isaac Blessed with Wealth for Wells
John Tan
21/05/2023Psalm 46 -Behold and Be Still
Jacob Li
28/05/2023Titus 1 -What Is Right! Right Leadership Matters
Liong Kwok Wai
04/06/2023Titus 2 -What Is Right! Right Doctrine Matters
Liong Kwok Wai
11/06/2023Titus 3 -What Is Right! Right Living Matters
Liong Kwok Wai
18/06/2023Genesis 26 26-35At Peace With Neighbour But Not Family
John Tan
18/06/2023Genesis 26 26-35At Peace With Neighbour But Not Family
John Tan
25/06/2023Genesis 27 1-29The Stubborn Old Man Got Scammed
John Tan
02/07/2023Genesis 27 30-46The Ungodly Son Got Cursed
John Tan
02/07/2023Genesis 27 30-46The Ungodly Son Got Cursed
John Tan
09/07/2023Luke 21 27-28Before the Final Judgement Part 2 - the Appointed Time
Kon Kee Fui
16/07/2023Matthew 13 24-30Unlocking Parables - The Wheat and The Weeds
Derrick Liao
23/07/2023Matthew 13 31-32Unlocking Parables - The Mustard Seed
Derrick Liao
30/07/2023Genesis 28 1-9Isaac's Last Words and Life Works
John Tan
30/07/2023Genesis 28 1-9Isaac's Last Words and Life Works
John Tan
06/08/2023Genesis 28 10-22Vision of the Ladder at Bethel
John Tan
13/08/2023Revelation 3 14-22A Second Opinion
Daniel Yojin Ahn
20/08/2023Genesis 29 1-14Safe in Haran But Not From Laban
John Tan
27/08/2023Psalm 17 -Smelted
Chin Khai Ying
27/08/2023Psalm 17 -Smelted
Chin Khai Ying
03/09/2023Judges 17 -A Mother, A Son and A Professional. Are We Like Them!
Albert Lee
10/09/2023Judges 18 -A Priest and a Tribe Serving 'God' for Personal Benefits
Albert Lee
17/09/2023Psalm 14 -No Fooling Around
Elmer Lau
24/09/2023Psalm 90 -Running Out of Time
Elmer Lau
01/10/2023Proverbs 4 5-Who Is The Wise
Sim Kay Tee
08/10/2023Proverbs 6 16-19What God Hates
Sim Kay Tee
15/10/2023Revelation 2-3 -Before the Final Judgement Part 3 - Ready to Meet the King !
Kon Kee Fui
22/10/2023Genesis 29 15-30Jacob's 'sur-prized' marriages
John Tan
29/10/2023Genesis 29 31-30-24Jacob's Disappointment is ...(Part 1)
John Tan
05/11/2023Daniel 6 1-28How Can You Maintain a Godly Witness in an Ungodly World!
Shane Mack
12/11/20231 Corinthians 1 10-31The Message of the Cross - Foolishness that is Wise Enough to Save
Jarred Jung
19/11/20231 Corinthians 2 1-17The Message of the Cross - Foolishness that is Deep Enough to Mature
Jarred Jung
26/11/2023John 9 39-Believing Is Seeing
Derrick Liao
03/12/2023John 10 28-Doubt and Disbelief
Derrick Liao
10/12/2023Genesis 3 1-7Has God Really Said....
Kon Kee Fui
17/12/2023Genesis 29 31-30-24...Is God's Appointment(Part 2)
John Tan
24/12/2023Hebrews 10 24-What Presents Are You Giving at This Christmas !
Moseo Chen
31/12/2023Genesis 30 25-432 Con-Men in a Con-Test
John Tan
07/01/2024Genesis 31 1-21Jacob Bolted From Laban
John Tan
14/01/2024John 1 35-42Peter 1 - Fisherman, Follower, Fisher of Men
Sim Kay Tee
21/01/2024Matthew 14 22-33Peter 2 - Walk On Water
Sim Kay Tee
28/01/2024Matthew 16 13-28Peter 3 - Bedrock or Stumbling Block
Sim Kay Tee
04/02/2024Genesis 31 22-42Jacob Blasted at Laban
John Tan
11/02/20241 Corinthians 1 -ecause of the Cross of Christ
Andrew Spurgeon
18/02/20241 Corinthians 2 -ecause of the Mystery of God
Andrew Spurgeon
25/02/20241 Corinthians 3-4 -Because of the Ministry of the Spirit
Andrew Spurgeon
03/03/2024Genesis 31 43-55Jacob's Boundary with Laban
John Tan
03/03/2024Genesis 31 43-55Jacob's Boundary with Laban
John Tan
10/03/2024Exodus 9 13-35The Plagues - The God Who Rescues His People for Worship
Daniel Ahn
17/03/20241 Peter 5 5-7Clothe Yourself with Humility
Matthew Winslow
24/03/2024Ruth 1-2 -Ruin and Romance
Kon Kee Fui
29/03/2024 -he Three Trees
John Tan
31/03/2024Ruth 3-4 -Redemption and Restoration
Kon Kee Fui
31/03/2024Ruth 3-4 -Redemption and Restoration
Kon Kee Fui
07/04/2024Judges 19-21 -A Levite, Body Parts and a Civil War
Albert Lee
14/04/2024Psalm 26 1-12Staying Close to God in a Broken World
Albert Lee
21/04/2024Genesis 32 1-21Plotted,Panic,Pacify or Just Pray
John Tan
28/04/2024Genesis 32 22-32'The Breaking' Before 'The Blessing'
John Tan
05/05/2024Matthew 6 10-May God's Will Be Done
McCoy Chow
12/05/2024Genesis 33 -Jacob Grovelling Before Esau
John Tan
19/05/2024Genesis 34 1-31Jacob Tenting Near Shechem
John Tan
19/05/2024Genesis 34 1-31Jacob Tenting Near Shechem
John Tan
26/05/2024Acts 8 26-40A Road Less Travelled
Liong Kwok Wai
26/05/2024Acts 8 26-40A Road Less Travelled
Liong Kwok Wai
02/06/2024Acts 16 11-40The Rich,The Oppressed & The Inbetween
Liong Kwok Wai
02/06/2024Acts 16 11-40The Rich,The Oppressed & The Inbetween
Liong Kwok Wai
09/06/20242 Kings 13-14-21Striking the Arrow
Pastor Jacob Prasch
16/06/2024Acts 17 16-34Making Known the Unknown God
Liong Kwok Wai
23/06/2024Genesis 35 1-29Jacob Headed For Bethel...Then Hebron
John Tan
30/06/2024Genesis 36 1-14The Generations of Esau in Canaan and Seir
John Tan
07/07/2024John 4 1-42The Samaritan Woman
Derrick Liao
14/07/2024John 9 1-17How The Gospel Heals Our Spiritual Blindness
Dan Pek
21/07/2024Luke 10 25-37The Good Samaritan
Derrick Liao
28/07/2024Genesis 36 15-43The Edomites, The Horites and The Israelites
John Tan
04/08/2024Ruth 1 1-5Why Elimelech Sojourned in Moab!
Kon Kee Fui
04/08/2024Ruth 1 1-5Why Elimelech Sojourned in Moab!
Kon Kee Fui
11/08/2024John 13 1-17Loving and Humble Service
Sim Kay Tee
18/08/2024Luke 22 31-34Denial and Failure
Sim Kay Tee
25/08/2024John 21 15-17Restoration and Re-instatement
Sim Kay Tee
01/09/2024Genesis 37 1-17The Snitch, The Sheaves and The Stars
John Tan
08/09/2024Genesis 37 18-36From 'The Pit' to 'The Palace'
John Tan
15/09/2024Genesis 38 1-11Judah Went Down and Saw a Canaanite Woman
John Tan
22/09/2024 -ow Do We Fight Anxiety in Our Lives
Elmer Lau
29/09/2024 -ow Do We Fight Shame in Our Lives
Elmer Lau
06/10/2024Genesis 38 12-26The Laughing-Stock and The Righteous
John Tan
13/10/2024Genesis 38 27-30The Breaker And the Returnee
John Tan
20/10/20242 Timothy 4 1-5How Then Shall We Live
Albert Lee
27/10/20242 Timothy 4 6-22How Paul Lived His Life
Albert Lee
03/11/2024Mark 2 1-22The Son of Man's Authority to Forgive(1)
Andrew Spurgeon
03/11/2024Mark 2 1-22The Son of Man's Authority to Forgive(2)
Andrew Spurgeon
10/11/2024Mark 1 23-28The Son of Man's Authority to be the Lord Over People and Sabbath
Andrew Spurgeon
17/11/2024Genesis 39 1-23Falsely Accused...But God Was With Joseph
John Tan
24/11/2024Genesis 40 1-23Dreams of the Cupbearer and Baker
John Tan
01/12/2024Psalm 13 -Songs of Sorrow - When My Pain Feels Endless
Derrick Liao
08/12/2024Psalm 12 -Songs of Sorrow - When Falsehoods Surround Us
Derrick Liao
15/12/2024 -Christmas is Coming
Jacob Prasch
22/12/2024Ruth 3-4 -Who Can Be the Kinsman Redeemer
Kon Kee Fui
25/12/2024Matthew 1 18-23Does God Have a Son
Moseo Chen
29/12/2024Ruth 1-4 -What Is the Main Theme of Ruth
Kon Kee Fui
05/01/2025Genesis 41 1-36The 7 Cows And The 7 Ears of Corn
John Tan
12/01/2025 -xploring 1 & 2 Thessalonians - Timeless Truth in Truthless Times
Sim Kay Tee
19/01/2025 -nowing God in 1 & 2 Thessalonians - A Certain God in Uncertain Times
Sim Kay Tee
26/01/20251 Thessalonians 1 1-10Imitating the Model Church
Sim Kay Tee
02/02/2025Genesis 41 37-57Joseph at 30...Ruled and Saved Egypt
John Tan
09/02/2025Genesis 42 1-24'Go'-You Live...'Stare'-You Die!
John Tan
16/02/2025Genesis 42 25-38The Testing of Their Hearts
John Tan
23/02/2025Genesis 43 1-15Without Benjamin...There Is No Corn
John Tan
02/03/2025Genesis 43 16-34The Brothers Tested... One Last Time
John Tan
09/03/2025Genesis 44 1-17Joseph Planted His Cup on Benjamin
John Tan